November 21, 2009

This is the journal of Martin Morowitz. I've had some really weird things happen to me recently. All involve red dots. I am not exactly sure what they mean or why they keep showing up in the most random places -- old journals, television commercials, gossip rags, murals on buildings, people's clothing -- but I will figure this out. I have to.

It seems that no one else can see them. Well...that's not entirely true. There is at least one other person that's seen them, but I will get to her later. Everyone else I've asked definitely can't see them, even when they are on their clothes.

There are some basic facts about the red dots:
  1. Once they show up, they never go away. Or, more precisely, they have yet to disappear.
  2. All of the red dots, minus the one on the woman mentioned above (really, I will get to her momentarily) are on things that directly relate to me -- things I've created, news stories I've been following for years, people I know, works of art I like, etc.
  3. I have never seen them materialize. They always look like they have always been there, even in things like my journal.
  4. The red dots may have been around a lot longer, but I first noticed them about two weeks ago.
  5. Nothing has dramatically changed in my life. I'm still single, working at the Coffee Cafe, and performing with my band Concrete Slab.
That's all I know.

Oh wait...there is one more thing that should be noted. It seems trivial, but important at the same time because it is a first.

The morning of the day the red dots appeared, I had a dentist appointment, and he diagnosed me with my first and only cavity in 33 years. Silly, I know. But I think it may be related.

All right. Off to bed for me. I'll continue my story tomorrow.


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